Event Listings

On this Events page you will find a range of upcoming opportunities for professional learning in, or relevant to the Tasmanian EYSAC Sector.
If you would like to advertise with EYSAC, please contact us at business.workforce@ecatas.org.au 

EYSAC Innovation Conversations

Welcome to EYSAC's foray into the world of video conferencing! WE HAVE MISSED YOUR SHINING FACES We invite you to Connect and Share online with familiar and new faces.  DIFFERENT format - SAME vision The Early Years and School Age Care workforce have continued as frontline essential workers throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic Response. This has […]


North West Childcare Sector Networking Meeting

The DON Centre 100 Don Road, Devonport, Tasmania, Australia

EYSAC and the Work Ready project will be attending this Networking Meeting to share and update on Education and Care workforce projects.   RSVP to Christie Goss christie.goss@devonportchildcare.org.au


North West Early Childhood Education and Care Networking Group

The DON Centre 100 Don Road, Devonport, Tasmania, Australia

EYSAC and the Work Ready project will be attending this Networking Meeting to share and update on Education and Care workforce projects. RSVP to Christie Goss christie.goss@devonportchildcare.org.au

EYSAC Innovation Network Meeting

Campbell Town Recreat;ion Complex Campbell Town, Tasmania, Australia

RSVP to kellie.workforce@ecatas.org.au

You may also choose to explore the following sites for additional professional learning and development opportunities:
Early Childhood Australia Professional Development
Gowrie Training & Consultancy Events
Semann & Slattery Courses
Big Steps Professional Learning
The Sector Events