ECA Tasmania Branch and B4 Early Years Coalition Forum August 2021


Forum Resources and Tools

The following list is not exhaustive but provides links to a range of resources and tools that can support you and your service as advocates for the early years.

Do check back in the coming days for more resources as they are added!


Early Childhood Australia

How to talk about Early Childhood Education and Care.

How-to-talk-about-ECEC.pdf (

How to advocate as an early childhood professional — Early Childhood Australia Learning Hub

Code of Ethics

ECA recognises that promoting the rights and voice of young children does not only require high-level advocacy but also empowering early childhood services and educators to take leadership at the local level and supporting them to deliver programs that also meet these objectives. That’s why part of our goals is to ensure early childhood education and care is provided by a qualified, specialised, and skilled workforce. This includes building leadership capabilities across the early childhood education and care sector.



Report on ECEC Workforce

early childhood education and care sector insights (


Raising Children Network

Being an advocate: what does it mean?

Advocacy is promoting and defending another person’s rights, needs, and interests. Many people can speak up for their own rights, needs, and interests. But some people need support from an advocate to do this. An advocate is someone who speaks up for others. An advocate might find information, go along to meetings as a support person, or write letters for another person.


Minderoo Foundation

Jay Weatherill Presentation and Q and A Live recording 28.8.21

Note – Jay commences speaking at 2:49 and Q and A commences at 22:59


The National Core Story for child development and learning

Watch Professor Donna Cross from Telethon Kids  talk about the Core Story toolkit –

eLearning modules and guide

Framing 101 | FrameWorks Institute

As referenced in Professor Donna Cross’s presentation please find below the seven reports that form the evidence and research base for the Core Story:

Telethon Kids Institute

The Quick Start Guide and soon to be launched eLearning Course form the complete Core Story Toolkit. Together, these resources give you evidence-based framing strategies to communicate in persuasive ways that make early childhood a priority.

Telethon Kids Institute with the FrameWorks Institute, have investigated;

  1. Current thinking on early childhood in Australia and how public thinking compares to expert understanding of early childhood.
  1. New ways of talking about early childhood that advance public understanding.



Gabrielle Sinclair Presentation 28.8.21 slides

Guide to the National Quality Framework

We Hear You

Exceeding the National Quality standard and articulating professional practice


David Gilkes

The Right To Go Slow



Example of what you can do as an Early Year’s Service