Is this the career for you?
Take this quick quiz to help you decide if a career working with children is the right path for you.
Think of your response to these 7 statements – YES or NO?
Then click on each image for the answer!
All children deserve the best start in life? YES/NO

YES: All children have the right to feel safe, happy and secure and the chance to develop to their full potential.
All children should be supported to be curious, active, and engaged learners? YES/NO

YES: Children are curious by nature - adults need to foster this through positive relationships and responsive environments.
I enjoy being active, working outdoors, and connecting with the natural environment? YES/NO

YES: Playing outdoors promotes resilience, self-confidence, and creativity. It encourages imagination, experimentation, and the development of relationships with peers.
Relationships shape who children are and who they become? YES/NO

YES: Warm, caring and responsive interactions help children feel secure to explore, play and learn.
It is important to support children to develop their interests and understandings of the world? YES/NO

YES: Experiences offered to children should support their interests, develop skills, encourage exploration, experimentation, problem solving, and discussion.
The early years are a time of rapid change, immense growth and valuable learning? YES/NO

YES: High quality programs are essential as brain development is at a crucial stage in young children.
I enjoy learning, work well with others and want to make a positive difference! YES/NO

YES: Focusing on meaningful relationships with others builds the foundation for positive outcomes.
If you answered YES to all or most of these questions CLICK the image below.

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